Two years ago, I embarked on the journey of my career by enrolling in the Computer Science program at Sindh Madressatul Islam University (SMIU). This decision marked the beginning of my exploration into the world of technology, where I have since been honing my skills and expanding my knowledge in various aspects of computer science
Learning Practice
From the outset, I delved into learning foundational languages such as C and Java. Through dedicated practice sessions focused on problem-solving, I strengthened my programming skills. Additionally, I familiarized myself with web development technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, further broadening my expertise in the field.
Subsequently, I ventured into React, immersing myself in its intricacies and mastering its fundamentals
The Mid Journey
Following my journey with React, I delved into the realms of MongoDB, Node.js, and Express, delving into the fundamentals of databases and backend APIs through rigorous practice and implementation.
After Mid Struggle
After acquiring proficiency in MERN, I embarked on numerous projects, catering to both client requirements and personal endeavors.
World with challenge
After mastering MongoDB, Node.js, and Express, I transitioned to learning Next.js, delving into its fundamentals including Static Site Generation (SSG) and TypeScript, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of modern web development principles.
Journey toward Full stack
Additionally, I embarked on a journey towards full-stack development, broadening my skills by learning the basics of cloud computing, exploring containers, and acquiring knowledge of various other relevant technologies.
After acquiring a diverse skill set, I secured an internship at, a platform maintained by NEP NICS under the Punjab Board. During this internship, I undertook numerous projects, consolidating my position in the realm of technology. This experience fueled my continuous learning journey, driving me to explore and master various facets of technology.
Secure Job
After successfully completing my internship at, hosted at NEP NICs, I secured a position as a Full Stack Developer at This opportunity has been instrumental in advancing my skills and experience in both frontend and backend technologies. At, I have worked on complex projects, collaborated with a talented team, and significantly deepened my technical expertise. This role has been crucial for my professional growth and development in the field of full stack development.
Job Journey Part Two
After joining Premed, I was eager to expand my knowledge in software engineering. To further enhance my skills, I joined Qualix Solution, where I am currently working as a Software Engineer, handling frontend, backend, and mobile app development.